Barry Koehne

Barry Koehne

Mr.Barry Koehne brings over 45 years of experience in installing, troubleshooting and commissioning of both Medical and Industrial linear accelerators. He worked for Varian Medical Systems for 36 years. Upon retiring he began consulting for companies such as NASA, Lockeed Martin, Iowa Army Arsenal, Aerojet, and his former employer Varian Medical Systems.Barry installed Varians first medical accelerator in China in 1984. In 1986 he moved from Texas to Hong Kong and was service manager for southeast Asia until mid 1992. His duties included hiring and supervising engineers in Hong Kong and China. He also had interaction and helped to hire Varian agents engineers in Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Korea.In mid 1992 Barry returned to the USA and joined the VMS team as International Product Specialist on high energy machines. Barry travelled the world solving vacuum problems, high voltage problems and replacing bend magnets and accelerators.In 1998, Barry was asked to install four industrial cargo scanning 9mv accelerators in Indonesia as he trained local engineers. This went well and Barry returned to his Product Specialist duties. Then 9/11 happened. Varian began receiving many orders for cargo scanning accelerators to be used at countries’ seaports and land borders. He remained in the industrial realm until he retired in 2013 and began consulting,